20 Watts

20 Watts Reviews The Raveonettes’ In & Out of Control by JohnCassillo

The Raveonettes' latest starts strong, before disappointing late

The Raveonettes' latest starts strong, before disappointing late

PREVIEW: DOWNLOAD The Raveonettes’ “Suicide” MP3
WE GIVE IT: 13/20 Watts

The Raveonettes’ fourth studio album In & Out of Control kicks off with a “Bang” — literally. Known for their particular brand of electronic indie-pop, Danish duo Sharin Foo and Sune Rose Wagner deliver yet another album to solidify their position as a staple of European post-punk revivalism.

In & Out of Control starts off strong with tracks like “Gone Forever,” “Last Dance” and “Boys Who Rape (Should All Be Destroyed),” which all feature The Raveonettes’ unique ability to combine a mellow ‘60s Beach Boys-influenced sound with their signature aggressively blunt lyrics.

The album contains sex appeal and attitude without ever going too over-the-top or trying too hard. Their lyrics are more in-your-face than before too, with the duo casually, harmoniously singing “You’re boyfriend’s mean and your mom’s a bitch” on the track “Suicide.”

However, things slow down and become more intense and introspective after the unnecessary interlude “Oh I Buried You Today.” Unfortunately, that’s only the beginning of its deterioration, as In & Out of Control begins to lose some of its punch and ferocity in the third act.

After relishing in the gem “Breaking into Cars,” feel free to skip over the noisy “Break Up Girls,” undeniably the worst song on the new record. The album closes on a sour note with the weak closer “Wine.” Its sluggish melody and whiny lyrics do nothing to complement the rest of this feisty and powerful album.

It would have been a smart idea to release the first and second halves of this album as two separate EPs, rather than as one full-length. The juxtaposition of both halves is just too noticeable for one cohesive effort. In & Out of Control lacks that one certain element, which prevents the album from becoming distinguishable from the rest of the band’s discography. Take note, Raveonettes. A little progression never hurt anyone.

— Donata Lockett

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